لینک‌های قابلیت دسترسی

خبر فوری
جمعه ۲۴ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ تهران ۰۰:۴۶

تظاهرات كارگران در مخالفت با اصلاح قانون كار، از ديد يك فعال كارگري و يك روزنامه نگار

سياوش اردلان، مصاحبه با پرويز احمدي، بهروز قزلباش

Summary of Today's BroadcastRFE/RL Persian ServiceTuesday, July 16, 2002 - Workers oppose labor law reform - More reactions to US President's call for democracy - Foreign minister goes to Tunisia - Iran's support for Bahrain's anti-government fundamentalists - Reactions to Esfahan prayer leader's shock resignation - Gary Sick find Iran's future unpredictable - Lawyer of slain dissidents' families gets jail and lashes - Sister of jailed students gives up hunger strike - Conservatives blast reformist parties - Tehran water's contamination with bacteria Workers Resist Labor Law Reform * Hundreds of factory workers demonstrating in Tehran against planned reforms in the labor law were disbursed only after police resorted to tear gas. Demonstrators demand implementation of the early retirement law for workers in hard and dangerous jobs, and oppose the proposed merger of the social security organization with the ministry of labor. They want further limiting employee's power to lay off unwanted workers. (Siavash Ardalan) * The street demonstrations today against reform of Iran's labor law show how heavily the 1990 labor law weighs on Iran's economic policymaking. With unemployment rapidly rising, millions of workers live below the poverty level and many have not been paid regular wages for months. These workers and the organizations that speak for them worry that any change in the labor law would make it easier for financially strapped employers to lay them off. They blame labor law reform on capitalism and globalization. However, in addition to most employers, many economists believe that one of the main reasons for the high unemployment and the flight of capital out of Iran has been the existing, one-sided labor law. (Fereydoun Khavand) Pro and Con Reactions to Bush's Call for Democracy in Iran * While conservatives portray Bush's statement as support for the reformist faction, most reformists called his statement interference in Iran's domestic affairs. Freedom Movement of Iran leader Ebrahim Yazdi said Iran must achieve democracy on its own and foreign intervention would only lead to a premature form of democracy. The reformist Islamic Participation Frontcalled for a return to President Clinton's Iran policy of "breaking down the walls of mistrust." * But Alireza Alavi-Tabar, whose newspaper Bonyan was closed down after advocating Iran-US relations, wrote on the reformist website emrooz.org that President Khatami and the foreign ministry should react more positively to the statement. He said the respect Bush showed for Iran's identity opens the way to solving problems through negotiations and indicates that the US would not try to topple the Islamic Republic. He said it is not reasonable to cite Clinton's policy, which reflects a time when Iran had more freedoms. Bush's statement reacts to Iran's situation today. (Mina Baharmast) Foreign Minister Visits Tunisia * Foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi took part in a conference on expanding Iran-Tunisia economic cooperation. Alfeh Eslami, editor of the Tunisian newspaper al-Sahhaf, tells RFE/RL that Tunisia is interested in learning from Iran's oil experience, and the visit has political goals as well. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) Bahrain Defense Minister Accuses Iran's Conservatives of Fomenting Unrest * In an interview in the Arabic daily al-Ayyam, Bahrain's defense minister Sheikh Khalifa bin-Ahmad Al Khalifa accused Tehran's conservatives of fomenting unrest in Bahrain by supporting anti-government fundamentalists. He says Bahrain is willing to cooperate with Iran's reformist faction. (Farideh Rahbar, Cairo) More Reactions to the Shock Resignation of Esfahan prayer leader * In an article in conservative daily "Resalat," Akbar Parvaresh, a high ranking member of the Allied Islamic Congregation (Hey'at-e Motalefeh-ye Eslami), said the Esfahan prayer leader quit the regime because of plots by his companions. Hossein Shahriatmadari, editor of the conservative evening daily Keyhan, called Taheri a lackey of the US. But Tehran University theology professor and religious modernist Abdolkarim Sorush says "Taheri speaks for all of us," in an interview with new reformist website "emrooz.org." (Mehdi Khalaji) Gary Sick on Taheri Resignation * New York-based commentator Gary Sick says the Taheri resignation adds to the regime's challenges, but the clerical rulers responded by more pressure. He tells RFE/RL that the situation is explosive and no one can tell what would happen next. (Homayoun Majd, Washington) Lawyer of the Relatives of the Serial Murders' Victims Loses Appeal * An appeals court confirmed the sentence of five years in jail and 50 lashes that a military court had given to Naser Zarafshan, a lawyer of the relatives of the 1999 serial murders of political dissidents. Zarafshan was tried last year for "revealing state secrets" and keeping a weapon and alcoholic drinks in his office. He tells RFE/RL that he does not consider his sentence a legal decision and is ready to pay the price for insisting that the true culprits of the murders were not tried. (Mina Baharmast) Sister of Jailed Brothers Quits Her Hunger Strike * Nasrin Mohammadi, the London-based sister of jailed brothers Akbar and Manuchehr Mohammadi, tells RFE/RL that she started her hunger strike on July 8 as a protest against the continued jailing of his brothers in Iran, but had to stop due to health problems. (Golnaz Esfandiari) Conservatives Blast Two Reformists Parties * The Islamic Participation Front (Jebheh-ye Mosharekat-e Iran-e Eslami), run by President Khatami's brother, and the leftist Islamic Revolution Mojahedin Organization have come under a barrage of attacks from the conservative faction just in advance of the elections of local councils. (Mehdi Khalaji) Pollution of Water Sources Infects Tehran Residents with Parasites * Military barracks and factories pouring their refuse into the two rivers Latian and Jajrud that are sources of Tehran water has resulted in the contamination of Tehran drinking water with infectious bacteria. Behruz Parsa, a Tehran-based expert on water ecosystems tells RFE/RL that the Lashkarak military barrack does not use its waste water treatment system and pours its untreated refuse water directly into the Jajrud river. He adds that resort villas around the Jajrud river also contribute to water contamination. (Mahmonir Rahimi) Iran Air Cuts Ticket Prices 20 Percent Faramarz Saidi, director of Galitours travel agency in Tehran tells RFE/RL that Iran Air's 20 percent cut in ticket prices is good for the airline and the passengers. (Shireen Famili) Ardabil Province Bans a Local Magazine * The local office of culture ministry banned the weekly Fazl. (Mina Baharmast, Prague; Ensafali Hedayat, Tabriz) Iran's National Basketball Team to Play Iraq and Jordan * Iran's national basketball team arrives in Amman, Jordan. Middle East network's sports commentator Jamal Anwar tells RFE/RL that the Iranian team has a big chance to beat both Iraq and Jordan's team in the west Asian competition. (Farideh Rahbar, Cairo) WORLD * Four Israelis die in the latest Palestinian terrorist attack in the West Bank. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * Turkey's ruling party loses parliamentary majority as six more deputies resign. (Fariba Mavedat, London) * Representatives of 100 nations gather in Rome to celebrate the signing of the treaty that led to the establishment of the International criminal court. (Ahmad Ra'fat, Rome) * More than 370,000 illegal immigrants applied for political asylum in EU. With 106,000 applicants, Iran ranked sixth. (Shahram Mirian, Cologne) * Italy to extend finger printing to its own citizens. (Ahmad Ra'fat, Rome) * Abud al-Zomer, mastermind of President Sadat's assassination, regrets the killing. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) ARTS AND IDEAS Seven Tehran Publishers Reprint Shaban Jafari's Biography * Before Tehran publishing house Ketabsara could come out with its authorized reprint of the biography of Shaban Jafari, which is initially published in the US, three unauthorized reprints of the book already appeared in Tehran bookstores and three more are in press. Jafari, a Los Angeles-based veteran athlete, is famous for his role in recruiting demonstrators during the 1953 US-backed pro-Shah coup. His biography, written by LA-based journalist Homa Sarshara, sold out its first edition in Los Angeles within two months and is being reprinted. Ketabsara's president Sadeq Sami says readers are fascinated by recent history and anything about the Shah era. He tells RFE/RL that his fellow publishers' competing editions of the book are not illegal since Iran is not a member of the international copyright convention, but their action breaks an honor code about respecting the right of an Iranian author. Homa Sarshar tells RFE/RL that interviews with her on Persian radio and television broadcasts to Iran helped create awareness about the book. RFE/RL's book reviewer Kamran Fani says the public interest in the book is because it contains new facts about a recent historical event from the point of view of one of its key participants. (Nazi Azima) Mediterranean Magazine Interview with Abdi Hesabi * In an interview with RFE/RL, Rome-based architect and amateur musician Abdi Hesabi talks about his new CD of Persian songs. (Ahmad Ra'fat, Rome) Love Stories of the Shahnameh: Siavash va Sudabeh * Sadredin Elahi continues his recitation of the story of Siavash and Sudabeh based on Ferdowsi's epic Shahnameh. Weekly Book Review Program * RFE/RL's Tehran-based book critic Karman Fani reviews four books published recently in Tehran. These include a prose version of Shahnameh stories, a Persian translation of John Locke's "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" and a literary criticism of contemporary Persian love poetry. Poetry Reading: Hamid Mosadeq * Contemporary poet Hamid Mosadeq reads his poem Baran (rain).

صدها كارگر امروز در تهران برعليه اصلاح قانون كار دست به تظاهرات زدند. نيروهاي انتظامي براي متفرق كردن آنان از گاز اشك آور استفاده كردند. پرويز احمدي، رئيس شوراي هاي اسلامي كارخانجات تهران، در مصاحبه با راديوآزادي مي گويد سنگ اندازي هاي تظاهركنندگان به ساختمان سازمان تامين اجتماعي ناشي از عصبانيت آنان از عدم پاسخ مسئولان به آنها بود و انتظار برخورد پليس با تظاهركنندگان نمي رفت. بهروز قزلباش، خبرنگار روزنامه «كار و كارگر» درتهران در مصاحبه با راديوآزادي مي گويد به علت ترافيك گروهي در تهران نتوانستند به تظاهركنندگان ملحق شوندو گروه هائي كه از شهرستانها براي شركت در اين تظاهرات عازم تهران بودند، بازگردانده شدند. وي مي افزايد: قانون فعلي كار حداقل هاي معيشتي و حمايتي براي كارگران تضمين مي كند ولي جامعه كارفرمايان خواهان اصلاح قانون و بدست آوردن حق اخراج كارگران است. در قطعنامه اين تظاهرات از جمله با ادغام سازمان تامين اجتماعي و صندوق آن در وزارت كار مخالفت شد. پرويز احمدي در مصاحبه با راديوآزادي مي گويد: اين سازمان خصوصي است و متعلق به كارگران است و كارگران نمي خواهند از جيب آنها به ديگران كمك شود يا جيره خوار ديگران شوند. كارگران همچنين اجراي قانون بازنشستگي زودهنگام براي مشاغل سخت را خواهان شدند. سهيلا جلودارزاده، نماينده مجلس از اخراج كارگران كارخانه ها دراثر اجراي برنامه خصوصي سازي انتقاد كرد.