Summary of Iran Stories in Today's BroadcastsBehnam NateghiThursday, June 03, 2004
<b>US Congress Investigates Chalabi's Link with Iran</b>
• The US Congress began investigating the charge that Ahmad Chalabi, head of anti-Saddam party Iraqi National Congress, warned Iran that the US intelligence services had broken the code of the its secret intelligence communications. Chalabi denied the charges, but the US Congress summoned National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and CIA director George Tenet.
<b>IAEA Report Shows Iran's Nuclear Cover-up</b>
• The International Atomic Energy Agency's latest report on Iran shows that Tehran was trying to cover up a military atomic bomb program, US ambassador to the UN Atomic Energy organization Kenneth Brill said. “If the Americans have any claims or information they should hand it over to the agency, but it's clear they have nothing,” secretary of the supreme national security council Hassan Rohani said.
<b>Khatami, Ebadi Blast US Plan for Democracy in the Middle East</b>
• President Khatami blasted US democracy and accused the US of attempting to impose an Israeli pattern on the Muslim Middle East countries. “The truth of the Greater Middle East project is to shape all the Middle Eastern and Islamic countries in the pattern of Israel,” the Islamic president told thousands of mourners on Thursday in speech commemorating the 15th anniversary of the death of the founder of Islamic Republic Ayatollah Khomeini. “What justifies this project is that the Middle East has turned into a birthplace for terrorism which threatens the values of the western world, and a lack of democracy, which breeds violence,” Khatami said. “The west and especially the US have mounted these two justifications for promoting democracy in the Middle East on the basis of another dangerous justification, which is opposition to Islam,” he added. He said extremism, terror and violence in the Islamic countries; including violence of Muslims against Muslims, and lack of respect for the people's sovereignty by the Middle Eastern governments provide “an excuse for the west's dangerous plan for the Middle East.” The establishment of what he called “religious democracy” would take away that excuse. To achieve such a democracy, he suggested “returning” to the ideas of Ayatollah Khomeini.
• “If the US or any other country decides to contribute to the process of democracy, the way to do so is not through a military attack,” Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi told UN reporters on Wednesday in a speech at the invitation of UNDP Administrator Mark Malloch Brown. She rebuked the US for not signing the UN treaty on children's rights and for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners. We should not forget the hardships former US president Theodore Roosevelt went through to include certain articles in the UN Declaration of the Human Rights, and today, those who have committed such crimes, and those whose orders have led to the occurrence of them should feel ashamed before the great soul of Roosevelt,” Ebadi said, according to the official Islamic Republic News Agency, IRNA.
<b>US Needs Iran's Help in Iraq, Foreign Ministry Official Says</b>
• Even though it does not want anything more than the fall of the Islamic Republic in Iran, the US needs Iran's help in order to stabilize Iraq, member of the foreign ministries strategic studies office Saeed Taeb said, according to the official news agency IRNA.
<b>Iran's Share of the Caspian Sea Resources</b>
As Tehran prepares for December 2004 summit of the Caspian Sea littoral states, in several seminars being held in Tehran experts and authorities, as well as political activists comment about the prospect of an agreement over the Caspian Sea's legal regime, which would determine Iran's share of the Caspian resources. In one of these seminars, Iran's Caspian affairs special envoy Mehdi Safari said “Despite our geographical disadvantage, we have tried to establish our share.”
• The Islamic government has failed to press for Iran's interests in the Caspian Sea, even though two binding agreements with the Soviet Union clearly recognize Iran's right to 50 percent of the Sea, Caspian expert <b>Houshang Taleh</b> tells <b>Radio Farda</b> in an interview during which he rejects another recent claim by Safari, who had said the government has managed to expand Iran's operations in the Caspian Sea, whereas in the past the operation was limited to traditional fishing. The Islamic Republic has had a passive position on the Caspian Sea, instead of asserting Iran's 50 percent claim, Taleh says.
<b>Renault Shows New Car Design for Iran</b>
• French carmaker Renault unveiled on Wednesday the design of its new Logan, or L2 model, to be assembled in Iran, as well as in several other countries, according to IRNA, which dispatched an interview with Renault's chairman Louis Schwiezer.
<b>Caspian Province's Judiciary Convicts Seven to Death</b>
• Seven were convicted to death last month, according to chief of Mazandaran province's judiciary Mohammad-Reza Poulad-Amoli. Four of the convicted defendants were accused of “War against Islam” and “Corruption on the Earth,” he said, while the other three were “armed bandits.” War against Islam and Corruption on the Earth are terms used by the judiciary for those accused of anti-regime activities. Meanwhile, Ahwaz judiciary amputated a convicted thief's right hand, and two others faced a similar punishment in Andimeshg. Two young men were hanged last month in Tehran and Mashhad, and in Karaj, a women was convicted to death for killing a man three years ago in a melee which involved several others. (Mahmonir Rahimi)
• Several commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps spoke on Thursday at a ceremony in honor of the Iraqi suicide bombers in Tehran held by such official organizations as the cultural division of the Tehran municipal government and the Shahid (Martyr) foundation. “We believe that when targets of suicide bombing are carefully selected, these operations can have major strategic impact, commander Salami, head of the joint operations of the IRGC said in a speech.
<b>Aghajari Remains in Court, Despite Withdrawal of Death Sentence</b>
• Teachers' college history professor and Islamic leftist activist Hashem Aghajari continues to linger in jail despite the judiciary's withdrawal of his death sentence for a second time. Aghajari's first death sentence, which followed his arrest on charges of defaming Islam and insulting the clergy, was overturned last year in Tehran by the Islamic judiciary's supreme court, but was reinstated last month by the same judge in Hamedan. The Hamedan judiciary arrested Aghajari for a speech in June 2002 on Islamic Protestantism during which he criticized clerical rule and the Shiite principle of religious emulation. Aghajari's wife <b>Zahra Behnudi</b> tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that her husband believes he had to be released after the withdrawal of his death sentence, since his other charges have been dropped or pardoned. Citing recent statements of the powerful conservative cleric Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, she says she fears that the labyrinthine judicial proceedings will make it possible for the proponents of her husband's death sentence to prolong his case. (Amir-Mosaddegh Katouzian)
<b>Special Report: 1962 Pro-Khomeini Uprising</b>
• <b>Radio Farda</b> airs a special historical report on the 1962 anti-Shah riots led by the followers of Ayatollah Khomeini, which led to Khomeini's arrest and his eventual exile in Iraq. (Ali Sajjadi, Amir Armin and Masoud Malek)
درحاليكه احمد چلبي اتهامات آمريكا را درباره ارتباط با جمهوري اسلامي تكذيب مي كند، دولت آمريكا تحقيقات در اين مورد را آغآز كرده است. بنا به گزارش منابع خبري، احمد چلبي حكومت ايران را آگاه كرده بود كه آمريكا رمز مخابرات محرمانه جمهوري اسلامي را كشف كرده است. در واشنگتن خانم كاندوليزا رايس مشاور امنيتي رييس جمهوري آمريكاو جرج تنت، رييس سازمان اطلاعات مركزي CIA براي دادن توضيحاتي در كنگره آمريكا حضور يافتند. يكي از سناتورهاي حاضر در اين جلسه گفت اگر آنچه درباره چلبي گفته مي شد، درست باشد يك تخلف اساسي اساسي اساسي صورت گرفته است. سازمان اف بي آي مي كوشد بداند چه كسي اطلاعات محرمانه را در اختيار احمد چلبي گذاشته است. تاكنون سخنگوي كاخ سفيدآمريكا از اظهار نظر رسمي خودداري كرده است. اينك مقامات آمريكا بر اين باورند كه چلبي علاوه بر آمريكا از جمهوري اسلامي نيز پول دريافت مي كرده است.